This was me one year ago....look how sad I was! Sitting at home...not doing any sessions.
One year ago, I was getting set for my Spring Sessions. After a slow winter, sessions were booking up and I was getting excited for the warmer weather, sunny days, blooming flowers, and family smiles. I was feeling motivated and great!
And then everything fell apart. The Pandemic came to St. Louis and everything shut down. The schools closed, businesses closed and the County Government and Health Department closed All Non essential business from operating. So here I was, unable to move forward and shoot sessions during my favorite time of year. I was lucky in a sense, that my newborn sessions had been light in the spring and all of my babies were arriving later in the summer. But I just didn't know what to to pivot. My life immediately focused on homeschooling my Kindergarten age son while managing his 2 year old sister. I just had no time to focus on business. Part of me was thankful I didn't have to juggle it but another part of me was in fear that I would not be able to relaunch because I didn't know when I'd be able to book again.
As a family photographer I don't generally have time sensitive sessions, My families that booked spring sessions were all super flexible and willing to just wait and reschedule. I wasn't fully in crisis mode like so many of my colleagues who are wedding photographers. I had enough money saved that I could avoid filing for unemployment (a blessing in disguise as now my state claims it overpaid solo entrapreneurs and now wants its money back).
But here I was worrying not only about the lockdown but beyond. How do I get back to work. How do I safely conduct business when everyone is doing their best to social distance. Will families WANT to have photos done. What do I do as an in home lifestyle photographer? Will people let me into their homes and feel safe? Will my business make it? Will I earn the money I need?
One year ago, I thought my business was doomed. But it wasn't. I locked in the safest covid measurements possible for in home sessions. I created a NEW option for OUTDOOR NEWBORN SESSIONS and I trained myself on how to create wonderful family portraits while maintaining social distance (although, I'm still working on how to get babies to react to a masked silly face)! And you all came back. My Spring sessions became summer sessions, my newborns enjoyed summer evenings, and my Fall and Holiday Seasons were booked to capacity. I connected with new families and saw clients return to me for updated photos. I honestly feel like we spent so much time in our yoga pants at home that people craved getting dressed up for photos just to look and feel great! And the busy season that usually slows down and allows me to hibernate in the winter DID NOT slow down. I have stayed so busy with new babies this winter and Spring. I am so very excited about all of the newborn sessions I have done in 2021.
So here I am...365 days later. This was a REALLY hard year for me as a mother and a wife and a community member. But you all saved me in such a wonderful way. You not only helped my business survive but THRIVE! The last 12 months started out in catastrophe and finished with my strongest showing yet. With my biggest year yet and with my greatest sense of style, technique, and connection to my clients that I have ever had.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me into your homes, trusting me to be safe with your kids and babies, and choosing me to capture your authentic moments. YOU made this year amazing for Jenny Dinky Photography. I will never forget it! THANK YOU.